Gluten Free Strawberry Scones by Mia’s Domain

Thank goodness there’s a revival of the modest scone with its endless variations. Now there is a gluten-free version and it is best when served warm and topped with little clouds of freshly whipped cream.
ABOUT MIA: Mia shares original recipes and recent articles that support her beliefs. Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, No Preservatives, No- MSG, Organic, Paleo, Pastured, Grass Fed, Processed Food, etc. – are common topics she explores.
As a young girl living on a small island in the South Pacific, Mia frequently visited her beloved grandma who lived in a tiny countryside village. Though her grandma only had a tiny kitchen with no refrigerator and a makeshift outdoor stove, she enjoyed cooking everything from scratch using fresh ingredients that she herself organically raised and farmed…with lots of love!
Mia has long since sampled a wide variety of unique foods from around the world, but her inspiration, passion, and appreciation for REAL food still originates from her Grandma. Mia tries to source everything from local farms or farmers markets when possible, using mostly fresh, wild, pastured, or organic ingredients.
Find Mia on Facebook and at Mia’s Domain.