Gluten-Free Baked Cinnamon Sugar Donut Recipe by Momnivore’s Dilemma

I have a confession to make. Long before I went gluten-free, I had a donut addiction. Namely, chocolate cake glazed donuts from the Dunkin’ and anything from Krispy Kreme. You’d often find me on the near west side of my great city, in a drive-thru polishing off a donut {or two} with a large black coffee on the way to teaching.
Funny, how times change. Now, I write a blog that focuses a lot on health. But my love of donuts…still remains. Here in Chicago you can’t hit a busy street without passing at least two Dunkins. I told the King this weekend, I need donuts in my life again.
I’ve ruined enough recipes in three years of being gluten-free, so I knew the almost grain-free version of this would work.
So, I ordered a few silicon donut baking molds. Dreamed up this recipe, and nailed it on the first try
ABOUT NICOLETTE: Hi, I’m Nicolette, a former Chicago school teacher with two sons and two blogs. I somehow manage it all sans coffee, gluten, and fast food. My personal blog, momnivore’s dilemma, is a creative health-conscious blog that deals with a range of topics from autism to homeopathy to DIY.
In summer 2012, I co-founded The Classroom Creative, a massive educational resource site for parents, homeschoolers, and teachers of children ranging in age from preschool to fourth grade. My secret to managing it all? No television.
Find momnivore’s dilemma on facebook: pinterest: twitter
Find The Classroom Creative on facebook: pinterest: twitter
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