2 Powerful Words to Say to Your Kids

I don’t know about you, but the Monday (and Tuesday and Wednesday) after a two-week vacation of no time schedules and lots of skiing and eating like we want to and sleeping in and all that fun is sort of rough.
Really rough.
Especially rough when you are aged 10 and under.
Double especially rough when you have to DEAL with those kids aged 10 and under that are trying to get their groove back.
If I weren’t pregnant right now, I’d be drinking some hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps right now. Heavy on the Schnapps.
But, alas, I am 31 weeks (almost) and wondering how in the world I will juggle all those meltdowns that are bound to happen at the same time AND a newborn in a couple months. Thankfully I have a partner to back me up most of the time. Not so thankfully, I know that fire season is coming a few months after that baby coming and I’ll have to put on my big girl pants and deal with it on my own while he works hard to provide for our family. However, I won’t think about that yet.
But, I digress.
Back on track.
Even in the most blissful of breaks, there tends to be more chaos amid a lack of schedules. Kids thrive on schedules. So does my laundry actually getting done.
I had numerous times over the past two weeks when thoughts like the following came to mind:
“My kids are literally bouncing off the walls right now. I didn’t know that was possible. They’re never having sugar again.”
“It’s ok if they stay up until 10 pm. They’ll all sleep in anyways.”
“My kids never, ever sleep in. What in the world was I thinking by letting them stay up? And why was the baby up all night again? How am I going to handle another?”
“I have been wrestling the same child for 20 minutes now trying to get them dressed to go outside. Is this even worth it?”
“When is it nap time? For me. Not them.”