Simplify Your Outdoor Time by Tales of a Mountain Mama

Getting outside as a family does not have to be complicated by details. Sure, it’s fun to explore a new location, but the WHERE doesn’t usually matter. Just go! Simplify your plans, simplify your expectations and allow for the child’s curiosity and his imagination to lead the way. When the child takes ownership of his adventure, it becomes his. This moment of authentic discovery makes him a true explorer! Our simplest adventures tend to be our most memorable. Give it a try!
ABOUT ANN: After growing up near the best outdoor playground – the beautiful Pacific Northwest – Ann and her growing family are enjoying exploring Florida, its beaches and beyond. Ann has always loved the adventures of the outdoors and now she is excited about revisiting that sense of awe and wonder of the world through her children’s eyes.
Ann contributes to the blog, Tales of a Mountain Mama (family), where she shares her insights on getting families outdoors and staying healthy. While her family likes to keep “stuff” simple – there certainly are quality products out there that support outdoor endeavors – be on the look out for gear reviews and fun giveaways!
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