Banned from Craigslist by My Life and Kids

Banned from Craiglist
~:: My Life and Kids ::~
I adore Craigslist. I like to search for things that I can snag for a deal. I like the thrill of logging in every week to see if anything new has been listed.
But mainly, I like to look around my house and see the potential for making money.
Big money.
My adventures with Craigslist started with a double stroller that I bought out of guilt from a very sad mom. And my adventures ended with that same double stroller and some special needs kids headed on a trip to Disney.
In between, there was a jacket, a couch, some terrible negotiating on my part, and a very annoyed husband.
In the end, I’ve been banned from Craigslist. I think it’s probably for the best – what do you think?
ABOUT ANNA: Anna Luther is the mom behind the blog, My Life and Kids, where she strives to make you feel better about your messy, crazy, fabulous life. She single-handedly cured muffin top (you’re welcome), and she has a massive collection of messy house pictures on her blog – so that moms everywhere can STOP cleaning and just look at pictures of houses that are dirtier than theirs instead. You can find her on Facebook, on Pinterest and on Twitter, and you can clickhere to subscribe to My Life and Kids.