A Burlap Wreath for All Seasons by Top This Top That

A Burlap Wreath for All Seasons
~:: Top This Top That ::~

ABOUT LAURA: I am Laura from Top This Top That. I am blogger who tries to convey my passion of my home and garden through my DIY projects, tips and ideas. I am a full time mother, wife and then blogger. After having a professional career for many years I made a decision to become a stay at home mom, a decision albeit that was challenging at first, one that I would not trade for the world. Having always had an interest in home design and decor a year ago I decided to chroncile my journey through my blog Top This Top That. When I am not in my house you will find me with the family outside on our farm in the country, surrounded by land,cows, our donkeys, horses, dogs, cats, fish and all the wildlife you can imagine. Second to my love of decorating is my love of my garden and anything dealing with nature. I hope that you will come by my little slice of paradise in the country one day at Top This Top That to see what latest DIYproject that I am up to or tips on how to keep the deer from eating all of your perinnal flowers, in between of course chasing the kids around! You can also find me on Facbook, Pinterest or Twitter.