2015 Money Saving Challenge

As we step into this new year, we are taking on one of our weakest areas. . . saving money.
Is saving a focus in your household? Are there things you want to do and things you want to buy, but there is never any money to spare by the end of the year?
THIS year we are working on saving for specific projects and to get us into the spirit gradually, we are starting the 2015 Money Saving Challenge. First week, one dollar. Second week, two dollars. You get the idea.
What would we do with this money? Have a stress-free Christmas and a little off-island trip to see lights. Paid for.
Maybe something will come up in June that you need money for, but HEY, the money will be sitting right there!
The goal of the money saving challenge is entirely up to your family. Are you going on a vacation? Could you use a little extra money during the holidays? Would you like to “provide Christmas” for a family in need? What would your family do with $1,378?
We will keep you up-to-date with our progress (to keep us accountable) in our newsletter once a month.
SO…HERE is the .pdf <2015 Money Saving Challenge>
Will you join us?
Share this with your friends and help them get a leg up this year.