Playrooms Are for Parents, Not Kids!

Susan Maccarelli

The Playroom.

Much like butler’s pantries and in-law suites, it was one of those rooms I didn’t know I needed until I started hearing that other people had them.

I could just picture the neatly organized and accessible toys (in Pinterest-worthy color coded bins) and the endless fun my kids would have playing in their designated space.  I won’t lie, I also thought about the added benefits this mess containment unit would have for me as a parent.

The more I heard, read, Googled, and Pinned about playrooms, the more convinced I became that all household clutter, chaos, and negativity would be solved if only we had one!

Boy was I wrong.

Our playroom reminds me on a daily basis of why it is unnecessary, why it was more for me than my kids, and why less is more.




Playrooms are for Parents, Not Kids. We spend so much time putting them all together and clean, is it worth it?

Pecked To Death By Chickens, is Susan’s humor blog, though occasionally she’ll author a poignant post revealing her soft underbelly (a euphemism AND literal description). Beyond Your Blog is where Susan helps other bloggers get featured on the websites they aspire to through tips, submission opportunities and interviews with editors and bloggers. Features on sites like Bonbon Break, In The Powder Room, BlogHer, Scary Mommy, and Mamapedia help feed her attention seeking behavior.