Things I’ll Never Say by Toulouse & Tonic
One night my husband was teasing me about how much I love being in a bathing suit, sunning on the beach. “Yeah, you’ll never hear me say, ‘No thanks, I’ll just stay over here under this beach umbrella.'” He shot back with, “‘A margarita? Oh no, I don’t drink.'” And we had a good laugh.
That conversation led to the idea that sometimes the best way to get to know someone isn’t by focusing on what they do say but what you’ll never hear them say. It took me about 4 minutes to come up with 20 Things I’ll Never Say. I’d love it if you shared yours with me too.
ABOUT TOULOUSE: Toulouse is a SAHM of 2 stinky boys who works hard to increase her mothering skills by stalking other mothers on Facebook, tweeting funny bon mots on Twitter, pinning hilarious sayings about drinking wine onto her Pinterest page, and exercising her family’s sense of humor by writing about them at While her methods are unorthodox, she is succeeding at making her kids hate her one post at a time.
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