The Animated Mammogram by The Animated Woman
The Animated Mammogram
~:: The Animated Woman ::~
WARNING: Squished boobies.
In animation, we have this thing called “conservation of volume”. This means that while an object can change shape, it’s volume should be respected (unless it is moving towards or away from the camera). In the classic case of the bouncing ball, for example, the effects of gravity on the ball affect its shape as it travels, but the size of the ball remains the same.
This animation tidbit was running through my head as I was about to have a mammogram.
ABOUT JC: Happily married with three kids. I’m a director. I make TV and short films and stuff. I blog a slice of life; family, social media satire, and causes. Some of it’s funny, some of it’s poignant, and hopefully mostly meaningful*. I feel it when I draw it. If you could see me drawing, you’d be like, wow, she really feels it; look at all the weird faces she’s making.
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You can follow JC on Facebook , Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest.