10 Signs You’re an “Old” Mommy by Toulouse and Tonic

10 Signs You’re an “Old” Mommy
~:: Toulouse and Tonic ::~
Women are having babies a lot later in life these days but if you’re like me, you forget that you’re “older.” That is, until someone decides to remind you. Are you a more mature mom? Read 10 Signs You’re An “Old” Mommy to find out — and laugh. Cuz it’s the best medicine. Although it’s not gonna do your crow’s feet any favors.
ABOUT TOULOUSE: Toulouse is a SAHM of 2 stinky boys who works hard to increase her mothering skills by stalking other mothers on facebook, tweeting funny bon mots on twitter, pinning hilarious sayings about drinking wine onto her pinterest page, and exercising her family’s sense of humor by writing about them atwww.toulouseandtonic.com. While her methods are unorthodox, she is succeeding at making her kids hate her one post at a time.