Gratitude, Judgement-Free Zones & Annoying Husbands

BonBon Break

My Musings on Gratitude

~:: Jill Nystul of One Good Thing by Jillee ::~

While I don’t want this to be a “true confessions” sort of article, I feel I have to share a little bit of background for you to be able to understand better where my thoughts and feelings on GRATITUDE come from. They come from having enjoyed a blissfully uneventful upbringing in a loving family; a successful and fulfilling career as a broadcast journalist; and a continuing career as a wife and mother that I found equally fulfilling (and hopefully successful!)  But as we all know, into every life some rain must fall. My life up until I turned 40 years old had really only had a few sprinkles. But for a long, complicated list of reasons (that I still find myself trying to sort out to this day) I decided that the life I had created for myself up to that point was not the one I wanted. I wanted a different life. One where I was “free” to do what I wanted, one that didn’t “force” me to conform to any one way of living and didn’t “require” me to make so many “sacrifices”.


ABOUT JILL: Jill Nystul is the creative force behind One Good Thing By Jillee. She started the website in June of 2011 and has enjoyed a meteoric rise in readership since that time. She attributes this success to savvy readers that desire to enrich their lives while recognizing the need to conserve time, money and resources. Her background in broadcast journalism and television talk show production have proved to be the perfect compliment for her blogging career and website mantra: “Sorting through the beautiful clutter of life to find that One Good Thing each day and sharing it with you.”

Follow Jillee on FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+, and RSS.

Are You Judging Me?

~:: Writing, Wishing ::~

If you’ve ever been judged for not brushing your hair, or wearing a spit-stained shirt with yoga pants, join me in my judgement-free zone. Parenting is hard enough without the mud slinging, never mind being judged for your appearance.




ABOUT ALISON: Alison is a former PR professional turned stay-at-home mother to two boys. She balances the mayhem of motherhood with writing her blog Writing, Wishing, tweeting as @AlisonSWLee, Instagramming pictures of her kids, and showing off pictures of donuts on her Facebook page. Alison lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with her household of testosterone.



8 Signs Your Husband Might Be Annoying You Around The House

~:: Toulouse and Tonic ::~

Does your husband pull what he wants from the bottom of the laundry basket, unfolding everything on top?

Do you need to tattoo “Keep Calm and Carry On” on his forehead just so you can still look at him after explaining how the washing machine works for the 40th time?  Does he need a map to figure out where to put his dirty clothes when he takes them off?
Then waste no further time!

ABOUT TOULOUSE: Toulouse is a SAHM of 2 stinky boys who works hard to increase her mothering skills by stalking other mothers on facebook, tweeting funny bon mots on twitter, pinning hilarious sayings about drinking wine onto her pinterest page, and exercising her family’s sense of humor by writing about them at  While her methods are unorthodox, she is succeeding at making her kids hate her one post at a time.