Are you there, Mattel? It’s me, Skipper by Ninja Mom Blog

Are you there, Mattel? It’s me, Skipper.
~:: Ninja Mom Blog ::~
When I was growing up Mattel, Barbie was more often than not naked and sporting an “artfully” trimmed bob cut by a blind toddler, my way of personalizing her look. These days my own kids still leave naked, legs-and-arms akimbo Barbies about the house. But at the toy store, mingled among the blonde clones are a new era of fashion dolls. An increasingly sexed-up group of teens that makes me wonder if I should let them in the house or call the police about a plastic prostitution ring in my playroom. The problem is, my kids really like these tarted up dolls, and I’m not sure what to do about it. Do you let fashion dolls in the house without a background check?
ABOUT NICOLE: Nicole Leigh Shaw consistently wonders, “Why did I come into this room?” Once upon a time she was a mostly serious news journalist, an accidental magazine columnist, and a mediocre editor. Now she funnels an enthusiasm for meeting minimum requirements into her blog, Ninja Mom, and finding pairs of socks for her kids that kind of match. With four kids under age eight (two are twins), she can say with confidence that she’s finally gotten the hang of this birth control thing: Facebook. Because one cannot procreate and update statuses at the same time. Like her Facebook page and follow her on her back-up birth control, Twitter.
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