We Must Stop Hating Our Bodies by Lisa-Jo Baker

BonBon Break

We Must Stop Hating Our Bodies by Lisa-Jo Baker

Who taught us to hate the shape of a gentle belly still softly swollen with the memory of life? Or arms that give comfort, pillow tears.

Who erased the line between before and after this body bore kids? Who said that stretch of time wouldn’t ring us around with age?

Who taught us to be ashamed?

None of that for the oak and her honorable life marked down to the very bones of her body. Each year of growth, and change, and breaking, and reaching still higher for the heavens marked with ring upon ring of life that she doesn’t try to hide.

When did disguise become as necessary to being a mother as having children?

Lisa JoABOUT LISA-JO: Lisa-Jo shares her every day chaos between 3 kids at LisaJoBaker.com. She welcomes you to connect with her on Facebook and Twitter. Her free eBook — The Cheerleader for Tired Moms — is available to anyone who subscribes to her blog. Just enter your email in the form on her side bar to receive it.

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