Musical Gear As Investment vs. Why We Still Don’t Have Floor In the Living Room by Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom

Musical Gear As Investment vs. Why We Still Don’t Have Floor In the Living Room
~:: Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom ::~
When money is tight and household and family needs begin to mount, where do you draw the line between spending money on yourself and putting it toward the ever increasing laundry list of things on the “to do” list. For me, a surprise gift from my husband that represented our musical career turned out to be more valuable than any dollar amount.
ABOUT LINDA: Linda Roy is mom to two boys and founder/co-songwriter of Indie Americana band Jehova Waitresses, which she fronts with her husband on lead guitar. After many years of marital and musical partnership, they still haven’t killed each other.
Her blog chronicles life as a mom and musician, as it takes humorous stabs at day to day life, social commentary and even throws in a few song parodies for kicks.
Follow Linda on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.