Mom Cave August 27 2012

BonBon Break

BREAKFAST IN BED ::: It All Started with Paint


I’ve never had breakfast in bed. 

I have, however, had breakfast near a bed.  From a room service cart.

And while the idea of breakfast in bed sounds lovely.  Decadent.  Maybe even a bit Brady Bunch’ish…

… the reality strikes me as unappealing.

I mean, those trays seem wobbly.  Then you set a wobbly tray atop an unleveled down filled surface …

… and all I can think about is the inevitable spillage.

I don’t know about you, but the idea of coffee spilled on my white comforter equals disaster.  Along with orange juice on the sheets.  And syrup on the pillow.  And the crumbs.  Don’t get me started on the crumbs …

So then I have to ask myself, why in the world did I pick up a wobbly, wooden, sad little tray table at the thrift store?

About Linda: Who am I? Why I’m a wife. A mom. A homeowner. A city dweller.  A nail gun user.  A DIY-er.  I’m also a poor woman’s Martha Stewart … mostly because I’m significantly poorer than Martha. My empire is much smaller. It’s a 2,500 square foot empire with a 100+ year old foundation sitting on a standard over-priced city of Chicago lot. And my challenge is to DIY some charm and character back into this builder-grade homogenized space as I update my early 2000’s décor.  I share the good, the bad, and all the in-betweens on my blog, it all started with paint. Oh, and my name is Linda. Linda Braden. And I can also be found hanging out on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Hometalk … or sewing up a storm for my Etsy shop.

TIME TO RECHARGE ::: Riding NYC with Amy

This weekend I finally got a little me-time, with my bike, the road, and a few thousand New Yorkers. I did the 30 mile (with hills!!) Hudson Valley Bike Tour with Bike NY. I had been looking forward to this for weeks. Excited to have a little me-time, and that does not mean a trip to the grocery store alone or running errands after my husband gets home to babysit or reading a book in another room. This was something I really wanted to do. Something I planned for and set a date. Something I waited for with anticipation. Something I knew would give me the 3 things I needed the most to recharge: exercise, being outside, and getting out of the city. Woohoo!

Let me show you how a bike tour recharges and helps me become a better mother, wife and woman… It might just help you find your recharger!

About Amy: Amy, author of Riding NYC with Amy, is a wife, teacher, cyclist and city mom. She blogs about living a happy healthy lifestyle, parenting strategies from personal experiences, educational tips for parents, ideas for the family home, life in a metropolitan city with kids, and whatever inspires her while hoping to inspire you. In her spare time she enjoys cycling, reading, traveling, and finding the next adventure for her family, because family time cannot be a side note in today’s bustling world. Find out more and follow Amy on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


Ever since Kara from Petals to Picots told me she was hosting a Granny Month on her blog, the wheels starting turning in my head of all the different granny squares I could make. The pirate boy was something I’ve been wanting to work on for weeks and when I finally put yarn to hook, it came out pretty darn cute! With some great feedback and advice from my Facebook fans, I perfected the pattern and then was inspired to create more! So here I present to you a Pirate Boy Granny Square, a Skull and Crossbones Granny Square, a Pirate Ship Granny Square and a Parrot Granny Square!

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About Sarah: Sarah is a stay-at-home mom to her two toddler age boys. She is also an artist and graphic designer that loves crafting with her kids, taking on DIY projects, crocheting and attempting to cook with the help of her Crock pot. She blogs at RepeatCrafterMe. Find Sarah on Facebook,Pinterest, and Twitter.

HOW TO FIX A SCREEN ::: One Creative Housewife

If you have kids, or pets, I am sure you will need to read this at one point in your life. Repairing a screen can appear daunting, but it is super simple, and a lot cheaper than purchasing a new screen. All you need are a few simple tools, and a little bit of now how.


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About Andrea: Andrea is a microbiologist turned stay-at-home mom of 2 wonderful, energetic kiddos.  She enjoys entertaining, baking, crafting, organizing, and playing with her kids. All of which she shares on her blog One Creative Housewife. She has a new found love of power tools, and has big plans for her home. She suffers from a severe Pinterest addiction, and considers time spent on Pinterest her “downtime”.
Follow Andrea on Facebook, Twitter, RSS, StumbleUpon, and of course Pinterest.