Playroom July 16 2012

BonBon Break

CARDBOARD BOX FUN ::: Icing & Crumbs

I seem to collect cardboard boxes. Once filled with useful things, they become empty and seemingly useless, filling up a corner in the laundry until they are eventually flattened and recycled. Then one day, when I watched my small son playing with his toy dinosaurs – stomping them through an imaginary carpet forest; flying them over a dining table top canopy; dancing them around a soft cushion swamp… while constantly being chased away by two big, bossy fairies – the carpet their meeting ground; the table their castle; the cushion their bed… I realized those cardboard boxes may be useful after all.

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Photo by Li’l Bit Lou Photography

About Kristina: Born and bred in Australia (with several years also spent living in the mid-west of the US),  she now lives on the beautiful island of O’ahu, Hawaii. She is the mother of two beautiful, young children. Kristina is passionate about cooking and teaching her children the importance of healthy eating; from trying to grow things in the garden, to creating simple meals and treats. Follow Kristina on Facebook.

FARMER’S MARKET STAND ::: While Wearing Heels

Off to the market. Don’t forget the lemons. With this market stand, you won’t have to go far. Using the free building plans provided by Ana White, build your own stand and let the kids help. When it’s done let them run a store, lemonade stand, flower shoppe or a farmer’s market filled with the freshest felt fruits and vegetables like While Wearing Heels has done and watch your child’s imagination grow as they take over their own shop.

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About Amy: Amy, from While Wearing Heels, suffers from a severe form of Crafter Attention Deficit Disorder SO does her blog. She finds herself doing a lot of tutorials. What sort of a tutorial really depends on the week (crafts, hair, home decor, how to extract a bento box cup from your dog after she has eaten one). She likes to share things she thinks are interesting or helpful and hopes to get that across with a few laughs thrown in. Join the good times and ideas with Amy on Pinterest or Facebook.



Summer is such a special time when you are a kid, and what better way to celebrate “all things summer” than this super-fun Summer Checklist from East Coast Mommy? The (free printable) list includes 50 great summer activities to do with little ones, and the last item on the list is an “ice cream for supper” celebration. Fun, right?

What child wouldn’t enjoy things like: having a lemonade stand, doing a good deed, and having a bath with glow sticks? There is even space at the end of the list to add your own items. To start making summer memories now, you can check out the full post here:

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About Gina: (aka East Coast Mommy) blogs about her experiences as a SAHM mom of three small boys (which she had in 3 1/2 years!). Her blog provides: craft tutorials, organizational tips, ideas for activities to do with your kids, and more. She calls herself “a REAL mom” who likes things that are fun, easy, and inexpensive. Follow Gina on Facebook for East Coast Mommy, Facebook for Cute as a Button Designs and Twitter.


Before we had kids, my husband and I would eat out all the time and enjoyed our time together discovering new foods and restaurants. Now that we have two little boys, eating out isn’t so easy or enjoyable. We are now mostly limited to kid-friendly dining and even at the most kid-friendly restaurants, we are susceptible to melt downs, whining, crying, and restlessness among other things. So I made a list of restaurant table games to play while waiting for your meal, or even during meal time when the kids are done eating but the adults aren’t. These fun little games can be played using items found at your table and have really helped us keep the kids busy and calm while dining out.

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About Sarah:  Sarah is a stay-at-home mom to her two toddler age boys. She is also an artist and graphic designer that loves crafting with her kids, taking on DIY projects, crocheting and attempting to cook with the help of her Crock pot. She blogs at RepeatCrafterMe. Find Sarah on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.