10 Reasons I Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Being Pregnant by Cloudy with a Chance of Wine

Hold onto your underwear, everyone. While I may be engaging in some extracurricular activities that might put a bun in my oven, I am not pregnant.
At least I don’t think I am.
The problem is, I was 90% sure we were one-and-done, and then my daughter had to turn 2 and get all adorable and interactive on me, and now I’m sitting here weighing the pros and cons of having another child.
And I have no idea what I want to do.
But I do know one thing: I have a love-hate relationship with the idea of getting pregnant again…
ABOUT DANI: Dani Ryan is a SAHM who likes to make people laugh by sharing funny stories about her functionally dysfunctional life, both before and after she became a parent. It keeps her from opening the wine at 9 am. Visit her on her humor blog, Cloudy, With a Chance of Wine.
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