Having Kids Kills Your Sex Life by Cloudy with a Chance of Wine
Having Kids Kills Your Sex Life
~:: Cloudy with a Chance of Wine ::~
Parenthood. It sounds like such an easy job until you actually have kids, at which time reality sets in and you realize the words “vacation day”, “sick day”, “5 o’clock”, “quitting time”, and “weekend” no longer apply to you. And there are no more lazy Saturday mornings in bed. Or last minute weekend getaways. Or date nights. Nope, once you become a parent, life as you know it changes forever.
Especially in the bedroom.
That’s right, my friends. Having kids really does kill your sex life.
ABOUT DANI: Dani grew up in South East Asia and worked in the marketing department of a large insurance corporation before trading in her business suits and nylons for yoga pants and stained tee-shirts. She now spends her days on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook , and Google+ while simultaneously juggling the demands of her feisty 1-year-old. In her free time, she also writes about parenting, traveling, and general nothingness on her blog, Cloudy, with a Chance of Wine.