25 Essential Apps to Download Before a Flight

Common Sense Media

By Common Sense Media

Settling in for hours in the air? Help mix things up for your kids by offering as many types of activities as cramped seating allows. When books and I Spy run dry, these apps cover a wide variety of interests and ages to keep everyone happy and occupied. Play virtual board games, such as Monopoly and Scrabble, or create books with WriteReader Pro. In the mood to play alone? Have kids try The Robot Factory by Tinybop or Thinkrolls 2 to keep them interested — and thinking. Whether you’re playing as a family or your kid’s playing solo, you’re bound to find something for everyone from one airport to the next.

  1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar & Friends
    Eric Carle faves teach vocab in English and other languages.
    Recommended for ages 2 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Lazoo Art Box
    Drawing prompts and animation inspire, but no save option.
    Recommended for ages 3 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. LumiKids Park by Luminosity, Early Learning Play for Kids
    Practice core cognitive skills with fun, playful critters.
    Recommended for ages 3 and older
    Available on iPad
  1. Mickey’s Magical Math World by Disney Imagicademy
    Early math curriculum with cool graphics, parent controls.
    Recommended for ages 3 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Peg + Cat: The Tree Problem
    Help Cat out of trees with spatial skills; expect smiles.
    Recommended for ages 3 and older
    Available on iPad, Android, Fire phone, Kindle Fire
  1. Bogga Vacation
    Beach-trip travel prep with mini-games is fun at first.
    Recommended for ages 4 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Fire phone, Kindle Fire
  1. Highlights: All About
    Popular magazine goes digital with interactive fun.
    Recommended for ages 4 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Kiko’s Thinking time – Cognitive Training for Children’s Brains
    Charming games help little ones build core cognitive skills.
    Recommended for ages 4 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Reading Rainbow
    Classic reborn as fee-based e-library with great selection.
    Recommended for ages 4 and older
    Available on iPad, Kindle Fire
  1. Sprinkle Junior
    Water puzzles for youngsters; super fun, stays shallow.
    Recommended for ages 4 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android
  1. Crazy Gears
    Fun STEM-themed free play with easy offscreen connections.
    Recommended for ages 5 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Gro Garden
    Free play in a virtual sustainable garden requires patience.
    Recommended for ages 5 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Fire phone, Kindle Fire
  1. Thinkrolls 2
    Maze puzzler packed with smart, science fun.
    Recommended for ages 5 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Fire phone, Kindle Fire
  1. WriteReader Pro
    Kids learn to write via practicing, mirroring, publishing.
    Recommended for ages 5 and older
    Available on iPad
  1. Barefoot World Atlas
    Delightful way to learn about animals, people, and more.
    Recommended for ages 4 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Odd Squad: Blob Chase
    Capture blobs and problem-solve in fun, leveled games.
    Recommended for ages 6 and older
    Available on iPad, Android, Kindle Fire
  1. The Robot Factory by Tinybop
    Stellar sandbox tool drives kids to improve designs.
    Available for ages 6 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Where’s My Water
    Puzzler’s plot, unique gameplay will captivate young or old.
    Available for ages 6 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Chromebook, Kindle Fire, Nook HD, Apps for Windows, Windows Phone
  1. Game Room
    Beauty of a board game set — for two or more players only.
    Available for ages 7 and older
    Available on iPad
  1. Hovercraft – Build Fly Retry
    Cool 3-D modeling, racing, and revision; lots of ads.
    Recommended for ages 7 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Fire phone, Kindle Fire
  1. Minecraft – Pocket Edition
    Worthy spin-off of popular PC game encourages creativity.
    Recommended for ages 8 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android, Kindle Fire
    Faithful adaptation lets kids take classic game to go.
    Recommended for ages 8 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire, Nook HD
  1. Motion Math: Cupcake!
    Sweet bakery sim serves up adaptive learning, lots of fun.
    Recommended for ages 8 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  1. Stack the States
    Surprisingly fun geography education game.
    Recommended for ages 8 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apps for Windows, Windows Phone
  1. StoryLines
    Pass-and-play fun for families, friends; FB-play optional.
    Recommended for ages 8 and older
    Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

What are some of your favorite apps?



These are GREAT! These apps will keep your kids busy on ANY length flight.

CSM-stackedABOUT COMMON SENSE MEDIA: Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology. We exist because our kids are growing up in a culture that profoundly impacts their physical, social, and emotional well-being. We provide families with the advice and media reviews they need in order to make the best choices for their children. Through our education programs and policy efforts, Common Sense Media empowers parents, educators, and young people to become knowledgeable and responsible digital citizens. For more information, go to:www.commonsense.org.