And it felt like home. by Salt Tree

BonBon Break

And it felt like home.

~:: Salt Tree ::~

And it felt like home by Salt Tree

A portrait of your home abroad, cottage or cabin up on the wall of your main residence is a thing of pride for many.  My mother and father in-law have a picture of their beautiful house in Portugal, up on their wall here in Ontario.  A reminder of the place they only get to enjoy for a few weeks a year.

Most of us don’t think of having a picture of the house we are living in, up on the wall of the house we are living in though.  And why not?

Ok, maybe we won’t make it so literal.  Perhaps an interpretation of your home or a home you aspire to have in the future.  A felt home?  Indeed.

I decided for the next while, I’m going to try and use ONLY what I already have on hand. So this project was a complete stash buster.  Which also means, FREE

amber salt treeABOUT AMBER: Living in Ontario, Canada, this wife and mother decided, yes, like many others, to start a blog after much ‘encouragement’ from friends. Initially, as a way to share creative ideas, hoping for honest feedback, and maybe, just maybe, inspire others.Started in March 2011, SaltTree has since grown quite an archive, an impressive following across several platforms and has been featured on dozens of websites & blogs. More than a year after its humble beginning, Amber is still stealing away little moments to create, cook and dream, camera in hand, all while chasing a toddler.You can follow Amber on her blog, SaltTree, hang out with her on Facebook, or see what she’s inspired by on Pinterest. To follow via email, subscribe to SaltTree’s RSS feed.


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