10 Healthy Foods You Should Always Have in Your Refrigerator by Groovy Green Livin

BonBon Break

10 Healthy Foods You Should Always Have in Your Refrigerator

~:: Groovy Green Livin ::~

10 Healthy Foods You Should Always Have in Your Refrigerator by Groovy Green Livin

One of the top questions I’m asked is “What are the most healthy foods to stock in my refrigerator?”

I think on some level we all like to know what’s going on in other peoples fridges. Yes, it’s somewhat voyeuristic, but it also can be a great source of inspiration for meals and snacks. There are days when my fridge is running on empty and there are other days when it’s packed with great, healthy stuff. We all need a little inspiration from time to time.

loriABOUT LORI: Lori Popkewitz Alper is the founder and editor-in-chief of Groovy Green Livin, a site dedicated to sharing simple green living tips and current information on sustainable living. A contributing writer for multiple blogs and websites, Lori speaks, writes and advises on a variety of issues related to creating a greener lifestyle and improving your business through social media. Lori has been featured on ABC World News, Boston News ABC and CBS and in the Huffington Post, Boston Globe, Woman’s Day, LA Times, Yahoo! Shine, Care2 and Bloomberg News.

Lori lives in the Greater Boston area with her three sons, chocolate lab and groovy husband. In her free time she can be found practicing yoga, pitching a baseball, running, cycling, skiing, reading, cooking, or trying out a new eco- friendly product.

Connect with Lori and Groovy Green Livin on FacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+ or LinkedIn.


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