Do You Want to Build a Snowman – Felt Board and Rhyme

“Do you want to build a snowman” – I’ll bet you are singing the whole song, but how about if you could build a snowman without any snow and at the same time learn a new song? Felt boards are great and easy to make at home with no sewing needed.
Creating a resource to use at home that can be used over and over again is a great way to make your own resources, save you money and the kids will love them. Felt boards are fantastic (you remember Fuzzy Felts!), no mess, reusable and with no sewing skills you can create parts that put together to create stories, songs and for play. We’ve made a simple Snowman out of just 4 pieces of felt – of course you could add extra bits with more from scrap felt that will easily fit into a busy bag and be brought out for song time, or when reading about snowmen or just for play.
The felt board has an added extra you can use it to help your child to develop literacy comprehension by bringing books, films, rhymes and songs alive through play. There’s a lovely little song about a snowman and what happens to him when the snowman comes out – “When once he was standing tall, he’s now very, very small” – that as you and child build together you can sing.
Once there was a snowman, snowman, snowman,
Once there was a snowman,
Tall, tall, tall!
In the sun he melted, melted, melted,
In the sun he melted,
small, small, small!
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