Frozen Winter Ice Ornaments by Sweet Happy Life

BonBon Break

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Frozen Winter Ice Ornaments by Sweet Happy Life

Last week we took advantage of freezing temperatures here in Vermont and made frozen decorations for our yard. We un-molded the finished ornaments this morning and they are so pretty! With temps well in the negatives this week, I’m enjoying seeing them hanging from the tree branches outside while I drink a hot mug of coffee indoors.

The idea for this activity came from a Pinterest pin that lead me to this discussion on Mumsnet. All you need is a few colorful odds n’ ends, a baking mold and a thick piece of yarn – not to mention water and outdoor temperatures cold enough to freeze everything.

Ari - Sweet Happy LifeABOUT ARI: My name is Ari and I’m a work-at-home mom to a 3-year-old little boy, a.k.a. The Munchkin. In a previous life I was a professional educator, but these days I split my time between web design, writing and acting as the entertainment director for my son. I started Sweet Happy Life in June 2011 to help me keep track of the recipes and activities my preschooler loves.

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