3 Ways to Burn Off Kids’ Energy After School by Musing Momma

I am going to hazard a guess that I’m not the only one whose kids are off the wall these days. It’s easy to identify the culprit because this happens every year: Winter. The weather here has turned bitterly cold and gray, and lately the kids rarely get outside for recess. When they get home the energy they have stored up all day starts tornading through our house.
So what is a momma to do? For me, the most challenging time is the downtime between when the boys get home and when we sit down for dinner. I need the boys to entertain themselves while I get dinner, but all of that energy needs somewhere to go. Here are 3 ways we get them moving in a focused way.
ABOUT ELLIE: Ellie is a psychologist-turned-momma who blogs at Musing Momma, where she reflects on motherhood and shares her thoughts on parenting, raising children in a multiracial family, and creating community. She believes in living with compassion and kindness, the power of appreciation and optimism, laughing a lot, and trying her best not to judge others. She lives in the Northeast with her exceptionally patient husband and their two adorable but very mischievous boys (ages 3 & 6).
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