Bedroom July 16 2012
THE BIG REVEAL ::: The Girlfriend Mom
How much are you comfortable revealing? I’m not talking about personal stuff, like how often, or infrequent, you have sex, or how you feel about your neighbor’s crush on your husband. I’m talking physically revealing.
Depending on how women feel about their bodies during the Winter, Spring and Fall months, Summer can make them feel like a hot mess. Ah, body image. What a loaded subject.
About Dani: Dani’s first headshot was her mugshot, taken after getting arrested for tagging in her hometown. Other lofty accomplishments include working out at the NYU gym alongside Adam Sandler, while attending film school.
She’s written for film and television, worked as a stand up comic, and written and performed two solo shows in NY & LA. Her ork appears in Pilates Style Magazine,, , and among others. I blog about being caught between life as a single girlfriend and a life being a stepmom-ish-type. Did I say caught? I meant trapped. Find Dani on Facebook.
THINGS I LEARNED AT 40 ::: Ava Grace’s Closet
They say life begins at 40. I am not sure who they are but I will take this to mean that the understanding of life begins somewhere around 40. And this is sadly true. Here is what I’ve learned so far…
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About Susan: Susan is mama to 3. Wife to one. Sister. Daughter. Lover of Books. Self-proclaimed fashionista. Still trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up but for now, she is the keeper of Ava Grace’s Closet. Find Susan on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter
YOGA GABA GABA ::: Frugalista
I went to yoga last week and again this week. First time in years. To a class, that is. I do yoga stretches at home all the time. Apparently, not like this instructor does though. She worked me, and worked me good. This must be how taffy feels in Atlantic City getting pulled all over the place while people watch for fun. The best part- I didn’t pass any gas. Whew!!
Yoga is such tricky shit. You are trying to get your body to look like Jennifer Aniston, but in the meantime, you know that you really should be there to get your heart and your mind like Ghandi.
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About The Frugalista: She is a wife of one, a mom of two and she drives a minivan. She might serve on the PTA, she might wear yoga pants, but don’t underestimate the cliche that is her life! These are her confessions of a middle-aged drama queen. Follow Frugalista on Facebook and Twitter.
Today I came home to find The Schedule for The Season on the kitchen counter. The Season is Hubby’s recreational softball league and The Schedule means games 2 nights a week for the next 3 months. Okay, can I confess something here? Promise not to tell Hubby? He may have an inkling about this, but I try to hide the depth of my feelings. I dread The Season. I 100% dread it. I didn’t always feel this way. Back before we had kids, softball was no big deal. But now? Well, kids change all of that!
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About Musing Momma: She is a psychologist turned mom who muses about motherhood and marriage in a multiracial family at Musing Momma. She lives in the northeast with her exceptionally patient husband and their two adorable but very mischievous little boys. Follow Musing Momma on Twitter & on Facebook.
A WOMAN’S SPIRIT ::: Passionate Pursuits
A woman’s strength is the dichotomy of her spirit, unyielding and whimsical is she, are we. A WOMAN, a man would say, is a puzzle. She confounds. She’s nonsensical. In the silence of her own heart, she’d agree. Rarely does she admit she’s bewildering, even to herself, she battles her contradictions.
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About Brenda: She foolishly said I do to a Brit, packed up what she couldn’t sell into a couple duffle bags and headed across the Atlantic. She found a sister in Dorothy, and thought London similar to OZ. Her larger than life-life, left her feeling anxious and elated, empowered and afraid, mostly she felt topsy turvy. To combat the extreme emotions that sweep through her body at least hourly, if not every other minute, she took to writing lengthy letters home on sheets of blue Par Avion paper. After running out of factoids to report, she took to making up stories. It was in the writing where she glimpsed an unknown dream. Much later, after catching a balloon ride back to the states, and settling into yet another chapter of her life, she realized she missed having a reason to write stories. She bought a journal, filled it, another, and another, and finally, she took up writing as a fulltime passion. She is currently shopping her first novel, and has started working on the second. She suggests if you are tinkering with the idea of writing to always—no matter what anyone says—to trust in your voice. Follow Brenda on Twitter.