What Do You Eat with Pierogi?! by Mom Photographer

What Do You Eat with Pierogi?!
~:: Mom Photographer ::~
I grew up spending hours and hours helping my mother to make pierogi. Each week on Friday our family was put to work in the kitchen. Filling and folding, folding and filling, boiling and frying, and then eating – the most deserved part!!!
Pierogi, a dish I thought I’ll be missing a lot when I moved to U.S. How surprised I was when I saw them in a local grocery shop. I was not surprise, though, that they didn’t taste like the real deal from my mother’s kitchen.
And I was not surprise that people call them “pierogies”, it just made me smile (it still does), because the truth is that “pierogi” is already a plural name for this dish.
So, pierogi or pierogies, they are delicious no matter how you call them, worth every single hour you spend making them
ABOUT EWA: Ewa Samples (Mom Photographer) is first generation Polish. After graduating university in Poland with master degree in Media Education, at age 26 she moved to the US for a cultural exchange program called Au Pair.
Today she is a mother of two young girls, wife to a crazy biker and an owner of two dogs.
In her private life, she is very passionate about food and children photography. Now and then, for a difference, she likes to snap a picture of a flower or a bug.
At the beginning of 2012 she started the 365 Self-Portrait Project (one self-portrait each day for a year).
Follow Ewa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.