Perfect Gifts for Father’s Day

A big THANK YOU to Ecoths for supplying an early Father’s Day gift for our guy. Honestly, if you felt this shirt, you would know why I am saying, “Thank You!” Meow. Read on…
First and foremost, I love it when my husband will wear a new shirt. You know, instead of the one that is “FINE!” even though it is full of holes from battery acid and has three shades of paint dabbled in various spots?
Reminiscent of “Field of Dreams”: If you buy these, he will wear them.
Ecoths sent
me my husband the gray Landon Henley a few weeks ago and it keeps resurfacing because I love the soft feeling and the way the sleeves are the perfect length to show his pipes it is comfortable.
Want to hear about this company? Honestly, if the soft -ahem- shirts and clothes don’t get you, their mission will:
Ecoths is the harmonious blend of Eco and Ethos, two words that are the epicenter of the brand. The foundation of Ecoths is combining natural fabrics with style, comfort, and personality while accentuating and shaping one’s character, guiding beliefs, and ideals towards community and creating a better place to live.
Ecoths is 100% natural and unparalleled with its unique styling details and approach to creating a brand with a true soul. The brand seeks to combine urban fashion elements with rugged outdoor influence to create one cohesive brand that unites style, community, and goodness. As part of its GOOD SAM program, Ecoths will be supporting local food banks around the country. For every Ecoths garment purchased in the United States, three meals will be provided to someone in need through their local food bank. Ecoths’ mission is simple—bring together the triple bottom line of people, planet, and product.
Be the change that you want to be, be the change the world needs . . . A planet for tomorrow is something that we live for today!
Pretty fantastic, right? The beautiful thing is that the quality of their clothes lives up to their vision. We are feeling pretty special over here. I am wearing my Aventura eco-friendly wardrobe and he’s wearing his awesome Ecoths shirt. Check out the catalog and get something for your guy this Father’s Day. You He will appreciate it!
And this guy looks pretty happy. Am I right?
Click here to find a store carrying Ecoths near you.
Ecoths Clothing provided me with the items in this post, as always, all opinions are my own. Check out our full disclosure.