Mentions of specifics brands or products do not represent an endorsement unless a financial relationship is specifically stated. In most instances, specific brands or products are the ones that we use or are recommended in our particular circumstances for our specific care regime.
If a post represents a formal product review, it will be disclosed as such. Bonbon Break and it’s editors do accept free products for review. We may choose not to write about a product if we cannot write fairly or favorably.
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All affiliate links put in place after 9/1/13 are identified by hovering over the link. This is an example of an affiliate link: Amazon. This is not an affiliate link: Amazon.
Other links are for informational purposes only and do not represent a financial relationship between Bonbon Break and the company.
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Bonbon Break Media, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of information presented or for the quality or safety of any products mentioned.
The opinions expressed by the editors of Bonbon Break are their own, unless otherwise attributed.
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