I had no idea my world was flat until it became round… by Cat Bordhi

After ten days in Perú, my heartbeat now pulses with a Peruvian rhythm and my dreams float like soft alpaca mist rising in thermals up Andean peaks. I am going to try to tell you about our trip but I shall fail utterly to convey the grandeur and life-altering nature of the experience.
Our plan was to scout out pockets of traditional knitting in Perú in order to shape a 2014 knitting tour. We soon discovered that if we walked around while knitting, knitters, mostly older people, spontaneously reached out to us with radiant smiles and we instantly found ourselves together in that deep space of comfort and kindred recognition that knitters know so well.
Here my friend on the left is knitting my grandson’s sock (she just learned how to do the Coriolis band) and I am knitting her sleeve—we traded for a while. It took her approximately 3 seconds to understand how to knit on 2 circular needles. This sort of thing happened again and again….
ABOUT CAT: Cat Bordhi teaches and inspires knitters all over the world with her Youtube knitting tutorials (over 2,000,000 views), workshops, and pioneering books on subjects ranging from sock architecture to Moebius knitting. According to knit-blogger Stephanie Pearl McPhee (yarnharlot.com), Cat’s mission “is to make you a more creative, free-thinking knitter who problem-solves and experiments with vigor and fearlessness. The best part? She can.”
Find Cat on Facebook, Twitter or by email.