Stranded Knitting on A Desserted Island by Cat Bordhi

BonBon Break

Stranded Knitting on A Desserted Island

~:: Cat Bordhi ::~

Stranded Knitting on A Desserted Island by Cat Bordhi @BonbonBreakSome islands are deserted, meaning nothing much is there; I had the great good fortune of being stranded knitting with Lucy Neatby on the desserted (plenty of chocolate in the cupboard) Tancook Island, off the Nova Scotian coast near Halifax, where Lucy has a cottage on a hill above the sea. My heart has now put down roots on Tancook and nothing, not even the gale force winds that stranded us there overnight, can ever extract my heart from that mesmerizing three-mile-by-one mile forested rock.

About Cat: Cat Bordhi teaches and inspires knitters all over the world with her Youtube knitting tutorials (over 2,000,000 views), workshops, and pioneering books on subjects ranging from sock architecture to Moebius knitting. According to knit-blogger Stephanie Pearl McPhee (, Cat’s mission “is to make you a more creative, free-thinking knitter who problem-solves and experiments with vigor and fearlessness. The best part? She can.”

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