Meteor Showers 2013- Mark Your Calendars Now by A Little Campy

Meteor Showers 2013- Mark Your Calendars Now
~:: A Little Campy ::~
This past year our family has really gotten into star gazing. Of course, the meteor showers these past couple months have been amazing. Nothing can compare to an all natural light show. So what meteor showers can we look forward to in 2013?
Go ahead and mark your calendars now so you don’t miss out. According to EarthSky, astronomers have predicted meteor showers for the following dates in 2013. However, meteor showers are unpredictable so you will want to check updated information closer to the actual dates.
Continue reading for the schedule and great tips…
ABOUT TIFFANY: Tiffany loves tent camping and cane pole fishing with her husband and three crazy, camping kids. When she not camping you can find her on her family camping blog,, where she shares her adventures in camping and motherhood, from pitching tents to pitching fits. You’ll find camping tips, camping recipes, gear reviews and lots of laughs. Join her there anytime, around the campfire.
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