How To Handle Rejection (Or How Not To Curl Up In A Fetal Position And Eat Copious Amounts Of Chocolate)
It’s hard to be a writer. It’s harder to be a writer who wants to make money from writing. And it’s really, really hard to put yourself out there and ask for a writing job.
You plan the perfect pitch in your head. You run it by a few trusted people. You write and rewrite your pitch. You sit on it for a few days to make sure that it feels right. You send your pitch and you wait.
And wait.
You hear nothing back after a week, so you do the right thing and send a polite follow up email.
And you get this – “Thank you for your submission, but it’s not the right fit for us.”
Period. The end. No other explanation. You look at the rest of their site and think that what you were offering was absolutely the perfect fit. You doubt yourself. You suffer a blow to your confidence. Again. You shout, “Can’t I catch a freaking break??”
You will want to curl up in a fetal position and eat copious amounts of chocolate (or whatever ‘bad’ food makes you feel better). Don’t. There are better ways to handle rejection.