Q&A: How do I avoid becoming obsessed and overwhelmed with goal-setting?

Q&A: How do I avoid becoming obsessed and overwhelmed with goal-setting?
~:: Money Saving Mom ::~
Goals Are Meant To Be a Blessing, Not a Burden
The reason you set goals is to enhance your life, not to exhaust and over-burden you. If goals become additional stress in your life, they need to be tweaked, rewritten, or dropped altogether.
It’s good to challenge ourselves. It’s good to push ourselves outside our comfort zone. It’s good to aim high and work hard.
But there always need to be room to breathe in life. Charging ahead at breakneck speed just for the sake of speed and productivity is no way to live.
With this in mind, here are five ideas for you to consider trying:
ABOUT CRYSTAL: I’m the blessed wife of Jesse and mommy to three precious little children (Kathrynne, Kaitlynn, and Silas). I’m first and foremost a child of God. I’m passionate about glorifying Him and making the most of my days on this earth. All I have and all I am is thanks to my Creator and Redeemer. I’m also a homeschool graduate, sister to six, and daughter of the best parents ever. I owe so much to them — including being financially-savvy.
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