A Wicked Halloween Chalkboard Tutorial
An easy tutorial that will make your chalkboards that look like the ones you see in magazines — regardless of your handwriting. I’ve included a link to the FREE Halloween printable but this method will work with any design. Use it to draw a playful chalkboard for your kid’s birthday celebration or create a professional looking menu board for your next dinner party. Only materials required are chalk, your design/printout, and a pencil. Super simple.
ABOUT ABI: Life is hard sometimes. Your teenager turns into a demon. You’re out of coffee. Your cat gags up a hairball in the kitchen. And that’s on a good day. You can either laugh or cry. I choose to laugh.
I’m a creative junkie. Paint, fabric, hammer, and nails make me tingle inside. I’m not an expert but I’m pretty good at getting it done. Usually, I write about my DIY and creative projects. Other times I write about the lizard that lives in my living room. Or the crazy things my kids say. Or the almost inappropriate greeting cards I sell out of my Etsy shop. Sound random? It is, but that’s life. All you can do sometimes is laugh.
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