The Dance of Conflicting Truths by Mom’s New Stage

BonBon Break

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Don’t sweat the small stuff.  It’s going to be your new mantra.  Those words are gonna guide  you like a seeing-eye dog.


I got this. . . you tell yourself, slipping your feelings into a Teflon suit. No more getting all in a tizzy over superficial nothings!


Then within minutes, so-and-so raises her eyebrows, notes, “Oh, you cut your hair…” and walks away.  Either that or you forget the optional ingredient that would surely take your recipe from ho-hum to orgasmic, and you can have no peace.


Soon you’re not only SWEATING the small stuff, you’re drenched like you were just chased twelve miles by axe-wielding zombie Vikings.  The trivial stuff is once again eating away at your very SOUL.


Wait…you think.


Maybe I shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, but isn’t it equally true that little things mean a lot?


Isn’t it the God’s honest that I should acknowledge my FEELINGS?


The truth shall set you free.


Unless you’re trying to choose between two who are fighting for the heavyweight championship.


Then the truth just makes you hopelessly confused.


The Dance of Conflicting Truths by Mom's New Stage


jumping preggersABOUT KEESHA: Before her two children re-choreographed her life, Keesha was a professional dancer who performed in the U.S. and in Europe. Today she teaches modern and jazz dance in the Chicago area. She is also the human cyclone behind the blog Mom’s New Stage. A multitasker at heart, she shows fierce skills at simultaneously writing, choreographing, checking Facebook and Pinterest updates, playing the role of a mother named Joan “Kumbaya” Crawford, and overcooking food. Keesha is one of the select contributing authors of In The Powder Room’s first anthology, You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth. Her writing has been featured on Mamapedia, The Huffington Post, and in the bestselling anthology I Just Want to Pee Alone.

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This post was written by Keesha Beckford exclusively for Bonbon Break Media, LLC