Chris Pratt Surprises His Hometown Team

Go Star Lord! Chris Pratt’s hometown is Lake Stevens, WA and he brought some locals to his new home, on San Juan Island, to kick up the dirt. You see, the Lake Stevens softball team recently qualified to represent Washington State at the Special Olympics USA Games and Chris wanted to give them a special send-off so he brought them out to San Juan Island to challenge them to a game. Check this out, it will make your day and Chris, this was awesome.
If that hasn’t given you enough warm fuzzy feelings, he also stopped by the elementary school a couple of months ago to talk to the students about kindness. He even focused on the importance of siblings being kind to one another by sharing a story about how supportive his own brother has always been. My kids were sitting in the audience and took it all in. Thanks for that one, we bring it up all of the time. (Not that my kids EVER squabble with each other. Ever. **HA!**)
An Opportunity to Meet Chris Pratt
An added bonus, Chris Pratt is teaming up with Special Olympics Washington to help raise funds and awareness for 17,500 athletes in his home state of Washington. Click on this CrowdRise link for a chance to walk the red carpet at Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom with Chris Pratt and to help support the athletes. My kid would do ANYTHING to hang out with Chris, so ya, I entered. Also, he would need a chaperone, right?
If you win…you and a friend will (friend!? YES! That’s the chaperone bit!):
- Attend the premiere of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom with Chris Pratt!
- Go to the after party
- Meet and take selfies with Chris
- Get flown out to LA and put up in a hotel
This post isn’t sponsored or anything like that, we are just celebrating a good guy and a GREAT cause, so enter here.
If you are looking for a little more INSPIRATION to head your day in the right direction, check these out.