Cheesy Mushroom Baked Eggs for Two by An Edible Mosaic

One of my absolute favorite things about a weekend getaway is breakfast; it is so nice to wake up to a beautiful hot meal that I didn’t have to cook myself! When going away isn’t feasible, I like to indulge in a lovely breakfast or brunch with my hubby that is a little fancier than what I’d normally take the time to make. Served with toast, coffee, and juice or fresh fruit, this recipe for baked eggs is the perfect getaway fake-out meal.
ABOUT FAITH: Faith Gorsky is the writer, recipe developer, photographer, and food stylist behind the blog An Edible Mosaic, and the cookbook author of An Edible Mosaic: Middle Eastern Fare with Extraordinary Flair (Tuttle Publishing; November 2012). She was born, raised, and spent most of her life in Upstate New York, and she currently lives in Kuwait. When it comes to cooking, her favorite thing to do is go into the kitchen hungry, open the fridge, and start creating. She loves to travel, especially to places steeped in rich culture and history. She also enjoys reading (cookbooks mostly), vintage shopping (especially in old markets), watching movies (of all genres), and is enamored with ancient cultures (especially Rome and Egypt).
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