Fall Fun, Mom Lifestyle, a Retreat & Finding Dinosaurs

BonBon Break

Our Fall Fun List

~:: Go Explore Nature ::~

Even though it doesn’t feel like fall yet here in Los Angeles, the calendar tells us otherwise. Which means that we’ve been hard at work coming up with our fall fun list.

I imagine a lot of you create a seasonal bucket list. What makes ours different?

  • All ideas are either kid-generated or kid-approved
  • The list is visible in a high traffic area of our home – think poster-sized butcher paper hung up in the hallway between the kids’ rooms
  • We turn our “want to’s” into our “to do’s.” This list becomes our go-to guide for fall planning.


ABOUT DEBI: Debi Huang is a Los Angeles-based wife, mom and adventure guide for two young boys. Her blog at Go Explore Nature is all about getting kids and families outdoors and connected to nature – whether in your own backyard or beyond.

Follow Debi on FacebookTwitterPinterest.

Being a mom doesn’t cramp my lifestyle

~:: Family Adventures in the Canadian Rockies ::~

Packing to go on a girl’s trip for a weekend away, I paused to ask myself how crushed I would feel if something happened and I had to cancel my plans, stay home, and spend the weekend with my family instead. Would I consider it a blessing to partake in some extra family time or would I pull a full grown adult tantrum, kicking, lamenting and screaming that my weekend was now ruined? The answer I had for myself is in my post: Being a Mom Hasn’t Cramped my Lifestyle.

ABOUT TANYA: Tanya is the mom of a spunky 3 year old boy and wife to an amazing husband, partner and friend.  She lives in Calgary, Canada at the doorstep to the fabulous Rocky Mountains.  Her family makes it a priority to get out to the mountains most weekends year round for awesome adventures from camping to hiking, backpacking, and skiing.  Family time is a number one priority for Tanya and you can read about her family’s adventures on her blog, Family Adventures in the Canadian Rockies.

Follow Tanya on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest as well.

mountain retreat

 ~:: Zach Aboard ::~

One of the subtle joys of an annual family trip is the way the outing evolves along with your tribe. We never intended for our retreat into the mountains of Virginia to become a family tradition. Originally my husband planned the getaway after a very rough childbirth experience with my daughter as a way for all of us to get some healing space. That first year I didn’t stray past the warm glow of the fireplace in the lodge at the national park, nursing my 3 week old baby and taking the time to just be. The little adventures my son and husband had together on that first trip made such an impression on our then 6 year old that he latched on to it and begged for us to go back again. And again. And now it’s part of our seasonal rhythm and family story. This year my daughter runs ahead on the trail stumbling over roots and stopping to examine every ant or startled salamander in her path. The warm glow of the fireplace at the lodge still calls me, but usually only for a few hours on a rainy afternoon. Then we’re all out and about again, camping and trekking and exploring and growing along the way. It’s new and yet familiar each and every time.

ABOUT CINDY: Cindy Wallach lives aboard a sailing catamaran in the Chesapeake Bay with her husband and two young children. When she’s not toddler wrangling or homeschooling or sailing she can be found chained to the computer script writing for various television shows or musing in the pages of sailing magazines. To stay sane and stay in touch with her far flung family she blogs at http://www.zachaboard.blogspot.com.

You Won’t Find Dinosaurs in Your Backyard

 ~:: Little Moments ::~

If you want your children to really understand and retain something, you give them things that are attainable; things they can see, touch, hear, smell, and taste. A real leaf is better than a fake one, and a real orange is better than a picture, right? Dinosaurs are mesmerizing to children, they are the giants of their imaginations, but how much can a child really learn from them?






ABOUT HEATHER: Heather created Little Moments to share her passion for early childhood education with others. She has worked with children under the age of five in various capacities for nine years and currently stays at home with her two boys. As a military wife she loves having the opportunity to explore new surroundings with her family each time they move. In her spare time she loves to run, hike, travel, bake, read, try new wines, rearrange furniture, and beat her husband at Scrabble.

You can follow Heather on Facebook, Pinterest , and Instagram at hruppel2.