Simple Ways to Find Your Way Back to Mindful Parenting by Carrots Are Orange

BonBon Break

Simple Ways to Find Your Way Back to

Mindful Parenting

~:: Carrots Are Orange ::~

simple ways find mindful parenting/Like many of us parents, I want to be mindful and present. Today I had an “angry” day, which, I hope, are days to which some of you can relate. I was short with my boys. I raised my voice too much. I moved my body in ways that were too swift and curt.  I haven’t slept well and, to be honest without sounding like I am complaining (because I love my job), I haven’t been able to breathe my own breath too much the past week. So, here how I am going to change those feelings.

Marnie from Carrots Are OrangeABOUT MARNIE: Marnie writes Carrots Are Orange, a blog she started in 2010 after the birth of her first son. She hails from Maine, a wonderfully down to earth place to grow up. Marnie moved to the west coast in 1999, currently living in Seattle with her husband and two young boys. She is pursuing Montessori certification. Marnie can be found on Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest,  and Google +.



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