How to Save Money, Food And Your Sanity – Top 5 Tips For Parents by Multiple Mayhem Mama

How to Save Money, Food And Your Sanity – Top 5 Tips For Parents
~:: Multiple Mayhem Mama ::~
Between busy weekdays, homework, hockey and soccer practices, grocery shopping, laundry and other wonderful activities that are part and parcel of being a parent, one has to give themselves a well-deserved break every now and again. I don’t know about you, but cooking meals for the family gets a tad uninteresting – and tiring – by the end of the week.
If you haven’t picked up on it already, mom needs a break. Mom needs a break because she’s tired and doesn’t want to have to worry about the kids having a balanced meal according to the most up-to-date food guide or some nutritionist’s recommendations. Mom doesn’t care. Mom wants to kick back, have a vino and watch some trite, light and fully-entertaining fluff on the tube. Kids: fend for yourselves. To this end, there are ways that you can get that well-deserved break and clean out your fridge as well. Oh, and did I mention that you can also have a night off from cooking? Does this all sound too good to be true? It’s not.
ABOUT SAMANTHA: Samantha Kemp-Jackson is a Parenting writer, blogger, media personality and generally frazzled and sarcastic mother of four. Having raised a daughter to adulthood, she figured she could do it again and went on to have three more kids, including identical twin boys. She then realized that she really didn’t know what she was doing but was heartened to learn that there was a whole community out there who, like her, didn’t really know what they were doing either. As misery loves company, she began putting her sarcastic prose to digital paper and, voila – Multiple Mayhem Mamma was born. In between the snark and general humor, there are tidbits of advice, tips and reflections on some of the inanities of parenting, including the indignities of toilet training, the nightmare of cleaning up after three kids and the annoying fact that play dates are a must once you have any kids over the age of three. It is no wonder that Samantha’s tag line on her blog is “The frazzled musings of a mother of 5,000 kids. I drink coffee and wine in equal proportions.” You can follow her on Google Plus, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr as well if you’re a glutton for parental punishment.