Make Your Stainless Steel Sinks Shine by Nature’s Nurture

Stainless steel is all the rage in today’s home kitchens; it’s lightweight, durable, and as it’s aptly named, it’s stainless! I really love my stainless steel sink, but although it’s scrubbed down with a soapy sponge everyday, it still accumulates a light film over time, from days and weeks of all the liquids, food scraps, and dirty dishes that grace its surface. So when soap and a sponge just won’t cut it, just use baking soda and salt for extra scrubbing power to help your stainless steel sink sparkle and shine!
ABOUT SARAH: Sarah is a school teacher turned stay-at-home wife and mama with a passion for all things simple, natural, and homemade. She loves the natural world, and believes the solutions to many of the world’s ailments lie in nature. Her blog, Nature’s Nurture, began as a way to document her family’s journey to a greener home, but has since become a thriving community and resource for anyone wishing to break away from the mainstream, and lead a more natural, sustainable life.
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