Our Screen Detox by Ma Nouvelle Mode

Our Screen Detox
~:: Ma Nouvelle Mode ::~
So lately, if you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen that we went through a little “screen detox” this last week. I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t easy. We did pretty good, but every day at least a few times a day I heard questions like “Can I play the Wii?” “Can we watch a movie?” “I wanna play with your phone!”
I had a few of you ask for me to share what I was doing to be screen free so I thought I would share the whole process!
ABOUT NATALIA: Natalia is a wife & a mom of two crazy boys. As an intercultural family they’re always on the move. She loves the challenge of staying girly in a house full of men.
Natalia is the founder and co-author of Ma Nouvelle Mode. She writes with Christie about encouraging woman in any stage of life or financial situation to look & feel beautiful while managing their world. Whether you’ve hit a rut, need a few ideas, or never have felt pretty, our easy tips & tutorials can help you find your own personal fabulousness.
You can find us connecting with readers on Facebook, Twitter, & a little peak into our personal lives on Instagram!