5 Investment Pieces Every Mom Should Own by Eat Your Beets

After I had my first child, it took a really long time for me to get myself back to… well, me. I suddenly had a body I didn’t recognize. My clothes didn’t fit. My hair was lifeless & mostly falling out thanks to post baby hormones. I was unrecognizable as the me I had just been… But what was worse – I didn’t know who I was now.
I was now a mom, which in my mind meant things should change. I couldn’t get swept up in a sea of sweat pants but I also didn’t feel comfortable in any of the clothes I found in my closet. Everything I owned seemed ill fitting & mismatched.
I needed to define my own style. Defining my own style took a few years to develop & I think it’s something I will continue to work on as I grow & change, not only as a mother but as a woman. Any mother can tell you her life is dramatically different when comparing those first newborn/toddler days to the days of having older, more independent, school aged children. Any woman can also tell you the style she coveted as a 20 something probably changed as she gracefully waltzed into her 30s or 40s.
That’s why I feel it’s really important to find 5 key investment pieces. These will be a splurge for you, especially you moms who outfit your kids in the best of the best but rarely buy anything nice for yourself. These items will be classic & timeless. They will also be something you can & will wear constantly. As new styles come & go, you can feel comfortable spending less on those trendy pieces because you’ll have your investment pieces that will pair beautifully with them.
ABOUT TRISHA: Trisha is a military wife & stay at home mom to 4 kiddos. She blogs over at Eat Your Beets where she gets to write about her 4 favorite things: food, fashion, kids & family. She lives by her self proclaimed motto: Eat Intuitively, Live Adventurously, Love Furiously.
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