Love & Courage, Unknown Enemies & Stress Reducers

BonBon Break

Growing What You Love as a Daily Practice Grows Your Courage

~:: Schmutzie ::~

I’ve been quietly working to become better at the things I love without rushing, without chastising myself when I am not already at my goal, and without losing my love for these things while I still occasionally fail at being good at them.







ABOUT SCHMUTZIE: Schmutzie (aka Elan Morgan) lives and writes in Regina, Saskatchewan. She can be found blogging at, designing and consulting at Ninjamatics, spreading gratitude at Grace in Small Things, and celebrating Canadian blogging with the Canadian Weblog Awards. She believes in and works to grow both personal and professional quality, genuine community, and meaningful content online.

Keep following Schmutzie on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, StumbleUponRSS.

Women’s Biggest Cancer Enemy–Not What You Might Think

~:: Crazed in the Kitchen ::~

Not quite four years ago, I lost my mom to lung cancer. Through my grief, I eventually found my way to the internet looking for facts. I was shocked at what I found. I had assumed, given then publicity it receives, that breast cancer was the #1 cancer killer of women. I was wrong. Read on to find out what I learned, and why I think we should ALL be participating in Lung Cancer Awareness Month right now.


ABOUT MOLLY: After teaching elementary school for 12 years, Molly Thiersch is adjusting to life as a stay-at-home mom of two active boys—a toddler and a preschooler.
You can connect with her on Facebook and Twitter and at her blog,


Autumn Scents to Help Reduce Stress

~:: Nature Moms Blog ::~

School is back in session and the daily grind is in full force. Carefree summer days are becoming a distant memory. The holidays are around the corner and with them events, parties, and obligations come our way. Stress seems to be an all too common theme in today’s homes, there’s simply no way to completely avoid it. Yet if you want a chance to slow down and decompress before it all gets too overwhelming then tapping into your sense of smell is a great way to reduce stress.







 ABOUT TIFFANY: Striving for health, happiness, adventure, creativity, beauty and intention…Tiffany Washko is the blogger behind Naturemoms. She loves hiking, reading, Crossfit, travel, sunny days, and raising her family green. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.