3 Things To Consider When Coming Home From Work Exhausted
What do you do when you are coming home from work exhausted?
It’s something that our family talks about often. While I’ve been figuring out this whole stay at home mom thing, my husband has had to figure out the whole work full time and support the family financially thing.
I don’t know how many times we’ve seen or heard this stereotype, but it kinda goes like this: a working parent comes home {exhausted} to a house full of crazy kids and a VERY exhausted partner who can’t wait to finally have help in the house.
Sounds clichè right? Well, it’s a clichè for a reason…because it happens.
To our family?
A lot?
Not necessarily, but it happens and we’re starting to learn what to about it.
That’s why my husband wrote this post today about the ways he rethinks coming home from work exhausted. He feels like it really boils down to three simple things…