A Winter Trek for Local Shrimp by Diary of a Tomato

BonBon Break

A Winter Trek for Local Shrimp

~:: Diary of a Tomato ::~

shrimp harvestWord came that Northern shrimp was available, but that this year’s catch was limited due to a considerably shortened season. We immediately reserved a bucket and set off as the light was fading, straight into a coming snowstorm.

diary of a tomatoABOUT DEBRA: Debra Kam blogs about food and gardening at Diary of a Tomato. She has a culinary degree, has cooked professionally, and is currently training as a Master Food Preserver. She’s a founding board member of Seacoast Eat Local, where she writes about local food and sustainable agriculture. Originally from California, she now lives in Maine with her husband and two cats, where she is still adjusting to winter and wearing shoes. Follow Debra on Pinterest or by RSS.




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