Surviving Flu and Crud Season by Frugalista Blog
December and January are probably the hardest months to avoid getting sick . If you’ve made it this far without a crud gracing your immune system, kudos to you. You are an extremely lucky person OR you have lived in a cryogenic chamber these last few months! I don’t know about you, but I try very hard to avoid getting sick. If and when the crud does hit, I have a few tricks to help shorten the duration of it. Because let’s be real here, there are no sick days for moms!
ABOUT REBECCA: Rebecca Gallagher is a SAHM to a teenager and a tweenager. A recovering aspiring actress, she laughs at herself on a daily basis. As Editor of The Bedroom, Rebecca delights our readers, just as she delights her own readers at Frugalista Blog. Rebecca has contributed to two Amazon bestsellers as well as being featured on Scary Mommy, In the Powder Room and was a one-time parent blog of the week on Huff Post. When she’s not writing, she enjoys donuts too often, and exercise too infrequently. She has an addiction to makeup and beauty products and an obsession with Daniel Craig.
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