Stupid Things Teens Do by Randi Chapnik Myers of momfaze

Stupid Things Teens Do
~:: momfaze ::~
When our kids were young, we taught them, step by step, to stay safe. Touch stove, get burned. Don’t look, get hit by car. We were banking on the fact that eventually all that good sense, which boils down to DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID, would sink in. It did, of course. But then they turned teen. And now all they want is space to experiment. No try, no learn. So what’s a mom to do?
ABOUT MOMFAZE: Toronto freelance writer/editor Randi Chapnik Myers and social communicator Mara Shapiro blog for momfaze, a no-holds-barred site for parents of teens and tweens. Randi, who also writes for Today’s Parent, More magazine and the Globe & Mail, is proud to be an expert carpooler, a reluctant chef, and a hockey mom at StixandPux. Mara, a Community Manager for Our Kids Media and book reviewer on Be Nice or Leave Thanks, has a hard time wiping the smile off her face while trying to perfect the art of saying No to her three teenagers.
Follow them at and on Twitter @momfaze as they stalk their kids online and live to write about it.