Real Mantras for Real Parents by Awesomely Awake

BonBon Break

Real Mantras for Real Parents

~:: Awesomely Awake ::~

REAL MANTRAS FOR REAL PARENTSAs a mother, have you ever reached your breaking point?

Perhaps all the children were fighting and dinner was simmering — then burning — on the stove. Perhaps the list of to-dos piled up higher than the dishes in the sink. Perhaps your child was dealing with a big issue at school, something that caused you to lose sleep with worries.

Those really difficult moments are when we build our parenting muscles but are also the hardest and the most gut-wrenching.

Maybe you have a long list of friends to call and vent to during challenging times.

But what if you don’t?

These Real Mantras for Real Parents just may save your day — or at least your voice.

ABOUT SHAWN: Shawn Ledington Fink is the author of The Playful Family. She has been using these mantras and many others as she navigates being an intentional mother of twins, who are now 6 years old. A writer and journalist for nearly 20 years, she has a love of words and being a peaceful, playful and creative Mama. She loves inspiring other families to slow down and inject meaningful moments into their everyday life on her blog Awesomely Awake. You can find out more about her on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.